Pasona Group Inc. (hereafter referred to as “Pasona Group” or “the Company”) is committed to providing all relevant and important management, business and financial information to all stakeholders including shareholders, investors, and the communities in which we operate in a timely, accurate and fair manner. This information is provided with the aim of promoting a better understanding of the Company, to allow all stakeholders to appropriately assess the Company and to engender trust.
1. Disclosure Standards
Pasona Group shall promptly disclose information in accordance with regulations prescribed under the Corporate Law of Japan, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law of Japan and all other relevant regulations and ordinances including the Timely Disclosure Regulations enacted by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and other securities exchanges (hereafter collectively referred to as “the Regulations”) on which the Company’s shares are listed.
In addition, Pasona Group shall disclose in a timely, accurate and fair manner other information not prescribed under the Regulations that is deemed necessary and useful to shareholders and investors.
2. Information Disclosure Methods
Disclosure of information pursuant to the Regulations is published through the Timely Information Disclosure System (TDnet) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, respectively (hereafter referred to as the “Stock Exchanges”).
Information published through the TDnet is also posted on the Company’s homepage. Where deemed necessary and appropriate, Pasona Group shall undertake announcement to news media and complete all other procedural requirements as prescribed under the Regulations.
In connection with information not prescribed under the Regulations, Pasona Group shall make every effort to proactively provide such information in a timely and fair manner to assist shareholders and investors better understand the Company.
3. Business Prospects and Forward-Looking Statements
In addition to performance estimates to be submitted to the Stock Exchanges, Pasona Group also provides guidance at meetings with analysts and other parties, greetings, messages, speeches, questions and answers, letters and documents and content on its homepage that may contain information relating to its current plan, future projections, strategies and other information. This information and statements, which relate to future prospects and are not historical facts (hereafter referred to as “Forward-Looking Statements”) are based on certain assumptions and management’s judgment drawn from currently available information.
Accordingly, when evaluating the Company’s performance or value as a going concern, Pasona Group cautions readers not to rely on Forward-Looking Statements entirely. Please note that actual performance may vary significantly from Forward-Looking Statements due to various factors.
4. Characterization of This Homepage
This homepage is open to, and for the convenience of, all those who wish to search for information regarding the Company on the Internet. In order to facilitate open and fair information disclosure, Pasona Group makes every effort to post information on its homepage promptly after publication. Due to Internet technological limitations, failure and the like, however, possible delay may be experienced in the posting of such information on the Company’s homepage. Accordingly, information posted through the Internet is characterized as complimentary to traditional information disclosure. In addition, Pasona Group’s homepage does not always contain all information disclosed by the Company. The manner of expression used for particular information posted on this homepage may also differ from that disclosed by other methods.
Readers are advised to be fully aware of these qualifications when using this homepage.
5. Quiet Period
In order to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of information from affecting the Company’s stock price during preparation of Pasona Group’s earnings announcement, the Company shall impose a two-week “Quiet Period” prior to the announcement of accounts. During this period, Pasona Group shall refrain from making comments on its account settlement or responding to related questions. In the event, however, that during the Quiet Period Forward-Looking Statements are likely to significantly deviate from those previously announced, Pasona Group shall disclose revised information by way of the TDnet of the respective Stock Exchanges, press release and other methods.