Basic Concept
The Group has established a Compliance Manual to be shared by the Company and its subsidiaries as a whole and has also formulated the Pasona Group Code of Conduct to further ensure the implementation of the basic principle of thorough compliance. Each and every officer and employee is committed to fulfilling our social responsibility by complying with laws, regulations, and social norms and by conducting corporate activities based on high ethical standards, thereby earning the trust of our customers and all other stakeholders.
Promotion System
The Compliance Committee takes the lead in inspecting and strengthening the legal compliance system and reports to the Board of Directors on the compliance system and status of the Group. Based on the corporate philosophy of "solving society's problems," and in order to fulfill our corporate social responsibility (CSR), the Compliance Committee identifies issues related to the Group's compliance and formulates and implements measures to deal with such issues. In the event of a material violation of laws and regulations or the threat of such a violation, the committee investigates, corrects, and recommends measures.
Education and Training
The Group regularly provides education and training to its officers and employees to enhance their knowledge of laws, regulations, and social norms and to strengthen their awareness of compliance.
Internal Reporting System (Hotline)
The Group has established its "Pasona Group Compliance Hotline Regulations" with the aim of maintaining public trust through the early detection of legal violations and misconduct and the prevention of such violations and misconduct. The Pasona Group Compliance Hotline, which is a whistle-blowing system that includes the hotline secretariat and a third-party organization, has been established at the Company and its domestic and overseas subsidiaries, and a system has been established to ensure that reports are reported to the Company's Audit and Supervisory Committee members. In addition, the Pasona Group Compliance Hotline Regulations stipulate that whistleblowers shall not be subject to any disadvantage.