

News Releases


Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan
Pavilion "PASONA Natureverse”
 Concept announced as "The Spiral of Life: From Ammonite to iPS Heart (Life)”

Pasona Group Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Group CEO: Yasuyuki Nambu) will exhibit a pavilion as one of the exhibiting companies and organisations at the 2025 World Exposition in Japan, known as the Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan.
The architectural design concept for the pavilion "PASONA Natureverse" has been selected as "The Spiral of Life: From Ammonite to iPS Heart", with the architectural design to be led by Architect Satoshi Itasaka. Pasona Group will work closely with the Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition in the production and direction of the exhibition for the success of the Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan.

▲Pasona Group’s Pavilion “PASONA Natureverse” exterior image (3D render)

Thoughts on the Architectural Design Concept (Yasuyuki Nambu, Pasona Group CEO)

▲Pasona Group Inc. Founder and Group CEO Yasuyuki Nambu

「The Spiral of Life: From Ammonite to iPS Heart」
From the birth of life to the present, our hearts have been the link to "life". The Pasona Group Pavilion "PASONA Natureverse", based on the concept "Giving Thanks to Life", welcomes Dr. Yoshiki Sawa, Professor Emeritus of Osaka University, a leading expert in regenerative medicine using iPS cells, as Executive Producer. The pavilion will feature a variety of exhibits under the theme of "Body, Mind, and Bonds," including state-of-the-art technologies such as iPS cell-derived cardiac tissue sheets that restore the heart, a "symbol of life”.

The architectural design of the pavilion adopts the spiral shape of ammonites as a “symbol of life”. Ammonites, which lived approximately 400 million years ago and thrived for a long period of time, overcoming three periods of mass extinction, including the Ice Age, can be regarded as our "predecessors of life". The natural world contains countless spirals of varying scales, as seen in cosmic nebulae and typhoons on the macro scale and in DNA on the micro scale. We positioned this spiral as a symbol of a society of true abundance, where people connect with each other toward the pavilion's goal of a world where gratitude for life resonates.
 Through its exhibition, Pasona Group aims for visitors of the pavilion to learn about the history of life, experience the wisdom of humankind that supports life and the design of the future society, as well as feel a sense of gratitude for life.

Executive Producer

Yoshiki Sawa

Graduated from Osaka University School of Medicine in 1980
Professor Emeritus of Osaka University,Director of Osaka Police Hospital,President of the Japan Society for Japan Regenerative Medicine,Authority in cardiovascular surgery and regenerative medicine
First in the world to commercialize myocardial regenerative medicine; pushed for heart sheets to be covered by insurance, first successful human myocardial regeneration therapy using iPS cells.

『PASONA Natureverse』Architecture Summary

Site area
Building area
Total floor area
Maximum height
Steel frame
Design Satoshi Itasaka

Architect Satoshi Itasaka

After working at Kidosaki Architects Studio, established his own studio The Design Labo Co., Ltd. in 2012 to engage in creative activities in a wide range of fields such as architectural design and products.

『PASONA Natureverse』Concept

Pasona Group's job is to harness the potential of the individual.
We are aiming to help build a society in which everyone can flourish in good health and vibrance.

“Giving Thanks to Life”

We want to create a world where life is respected; a world enveloped in gratitude for life,
from children to the elderly, among all people across the world.

Our society is a part of the natural world,
and humanity's continued existence is thanks to nature.

However, at some point, we began to take nature for granted.
Have we forgotten to be grateful?

Giving thanks to each other, to the rich blessings bestowed upon humanity by nature,
and for the fact that we are alive right now.
. We want to create a new world in which these expressions of thanks resonate and are passed down to the next generation.

We hope that many people from all over the world will visit our pavilion
and become creators of a future in which gratitude resonates,
and work together with us to create the "Natureverse" (Nature×Universe).
This is the hope of Pasona Group.

The Main Themes of Pasona Group’s Pavilion

1:Body: Medical / Food
Creating a healthy body through the latest medical care and food.
※As Executive Producer of the pavilion, we welcome Dr. Yoshiki Sawa, Professor Emeritus of Osaka University and leading expert in regenerative medicine using iPS cells.

2:Heart: Life Purpose / Compassion
Many things have occurred in our society since the pandemic began.
Now is the time to create a spiritually rich society in which everyone can think about their future based on the spirit of "compassion," and which is full of diversity and purpose in life.

3:Bonds: Work / Mutual Aid
Creating a truly prosperous society in which all people can work vibrantly and live happily, in other words, a "society of mutual assistance" and a "mutual society".

Pasona Group Inc. Company Overview

Since its founding in 1976, Pasona Group Inc has promoted diversity under its corporate philosophy of “Solutions to Society's Problems” and has continued to create opportunities for each and every one of us to play an active role with dreams and pride.
In 2008, we began the challenge of our regional revitalization project by attracting human resources on Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture. We are taking on the challenge of bringing a way of life and work that is enriching both physically and mentally, and to create new industries with dreams, including a health industry that takes advantage of the rich nature, food, and culture of Awaji Island.

Headquarters PASONA SQUARE Minami-Aoyama 3-1-30 Minato-ku, Tokyo
Foundation February 16, 1976
Paid-in capital 5 billion yen
Representative Representative Director and Group Representative: Yasuyuki Nanbu
Business activities Expert Service(Temporary staffing),BPO Services (Contracting),HR Consulting, Education & Training, OthersGlobal Sourcing (Overseas),Career Solutions(Placement/Recruiting,Outplacement),Outsourcing,Life Solutions,Regional Revitalization Solutions

Translation from the Original Japanese Press Release

PR Department, Pasona Group Inc.
TEL. +81-3-6734-0215
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