Major efforts to reduce CO₂ emissions
The entire group is actively promoting energy-saving activities to reduce CO2 emissions. Company-owned vehicles are being switched to electric and hybrid vehicles, and efforts are being made to make operations paperless through the promotion of digitalization. In addition, all of the electricity used at the 19 restaurants, cafes, commercial facilities, lodging facilities, anime parks, and other facilities on Awaji Island, in Hyogo Prefecture, operated by the Group has been converted to electricity derived from renewable energy sources. Additionally, we are promoting resource recycling efforts, such as the use of bagasse containers made from sugarcane and composting some of the food residues from food and beverage facilities for use in the Group's naturally cultivated farms.
Environmental initiatives
With the aim of raising Group-wide awareness of environmental issues and encouraging behavioral change, we held study sessions with internal and external experts, attended by 2,200 executives and employees from all over Japan in the fiscal year ended May 31, 2024. In addition, as part of our efforts to protect the environment, we are promoting activities to preserve satoyama through tree planting and tree raising in every region of Japan, as well as environmental beautification activities at 70 locations in Japan and overseas in conjunction with Earth Day (April) and World Clean Up Day (September), which were adopted by the UN. In the fiscal year ended May 31, 2024, we conducted 293 such activities in Japan and overseas, with a total of 4,960 employees.
In April 2024, Pasona Inc. acquired ISO 14001:2015 certification, the international standard for environmental management systems, at its headquarters office, promoting voluntary environmental conservation efforts.
The Environmental Management Strategy Board formulates strategies, policies, and targets for the Group's environmental management and climate change response. Based on this policy, the Environmental Management Promotion Committee promotes effective action plans for each division and group company and conducts environmental education to raise the environmental awareness of each employee. The Environmental Committee is developing environmental activities nationwide in Japan in collaboration with local communities, where people can experience living in harmony with nature. The Risk Management Committee deliberates on matters related to climate change risk management, and the Internal Audit Department conducts environmental audits of each department and each affiliated company. The Board of Directors monitors important matters related to climate change by receiving reports and providing appropriate advice from the Environmental Management Strategy Board.
Board of Directors
Environmental Management Strategy Board
Oversight of climate change response
Determination of policies, strategies and targets for environmental management and climate change response.
Officer in charge: Executive Vice President, General Manager of Pasona Way Division
At least once a year
At least once a month
The Group analyzed risks and opportunities for 2030 based on several climate change scenarios (1.5–2℃ and 4℃ global increases). The scenario analysis is based on reports issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the International Energy Agency (IEA), and Japan's Ministry of the Environment, and other organizations. The process of analysis and the main risks and opportunities identified in the scenario analysis are as follows.
Analytical Process
Risk / Opportunity Items
For each risk and opportunity identified, we drew up specific scenarios and examined the financial impact on our business, quantitatively and qualitatively. As a result, the major risks and opportunities identified by the Group through this scenario analysis and our policy for dealing with them are as follows. No significant risks affecting the business were identified. We will continue to review our assessments and enhance information disclosure.
Strategies (Opportunities)
As the movement toward decarbonization accelerates in Japan and abroad, listed companies are required to disclose climate-related financial information and take actions to achieve carbon neutrality, including in their supply chains. However, many companies lack not only the know-how to visualize CO2 emissions, but also the resources to perform the complicated tasks involved. Another challenge is educating employees about the SDGs.
Each company in our group provides services to support corporate sustainability management from an environmental perspective.
1.Visualization of CO2 emissions, development of sustainable human resources
Pasona HR Solution Inc.'s "CO2 Emissions Visualization BPO Service" supports the visualization of CO2 emissions from both a system and operational perspective by leveraging the Group's expertise in BPO services, in addition to its GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions calculation and visualization cloud service. In collaboration with BSI Japan, "Pasona ESG Academy," a training program to develop human resources for sustainability, has been launched, combining Pasona HR Solutions' training know-how with BSI Japan's content to develop human resources for sustainability based on global standards in the field of ESG.
2.Support for sustainable management by professional human resources
Pasona JOB HUB's "Sustainable Management Support Service" provides professional advisors who are well-versed in various fields to support the formulation of SDGs and ESG management strategies, planning of circular economy business strategies, and establishment of recycling-oriented supply chain business models to promote sustainable management.
3.Energy conservation consulting services to promote energy conservation
Pasona Nihon Somubu Co., Ltd.'s "Energy Conservation Consulting Service" provides comprehensive support for resolving corporate environmental issues, from the visualization of CO2 emissions to initiatives for decarbonization, leveraging our expertise in facility management. Based on the results of the simplified energy efficiency and conservation diagnosis, we will conduct a detailed analysis, formulate improvement measures, estimate their effects, and support the implementation of measures to resolve issues.
4.Sustainable training program for co-creation, circulation, and diversity
Pasona Agri-Partners Inc. offers training programs on Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, for companies, organizations, and educational institutions to learn about "SDGs" such as those involving food safety and the natural environment. The program offers agricultural experiences to learn about soil cultivation, food safety, and production processes, as well as classroom training to learn about issues related to abandoned farmland and de-plasticized materials, with approximately 7,500 participants in the fiscal year ending May 31, 2024.
Risk management
The Group has established Risk Management Regulations to prevent crises that could have serious impact on management and to minimize losses if such crises should occur.
Risks due to climate change are identified by the Environmental Management Strategy Board, where relevant laws and regulations and natural disasters that can affect business are discussed.
In addition, the Board of Directors is regularly informed of the details of these measures, the status of response is monitored, and progress is managed and reviewed. We are building a management system for climate change risk.
Indicators and Targets
The Group calculates and measures greenhouse gas emissions from its business activities and has set a reduction target of "achieving carbon neutrality* in FY2030". In addition to actively using electricity derived from renewable energy sources in our offices and the facilities we operate, we are also switching to electric and hybrid vehicles for company vehicles.
(*) "Scope 1" and "Scope 2" of greenhouse gas emissions from the Group's business activities are covered.
Item |
Fiscal year 2021 (ending May 31, 2022) |
Fiscal year 2022 (ending May 31, 2023)
Scope 1 |
t-CO2 |
1,293 |
1,525 |
Scope 2 |
t-CO2 |
4,509 |
4,122 |
Scope 3 |
t-CO2 |
53,547 |
58,807 |
Total |
t-CO2 |
59,349 |
64,454 |
1 The scope of the Group includes the results of the Company on a non-consolidated basis and the results of the nine consolidated companies that account for the largest share of consolidated net sales.
2 Scope 3 refers to emissions in categories 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
3 Actual results may vary due to the refinement of the aggregation method.